Хто має SPAR

Світова мережа супермаркетів SPAR розвиватиметься в Україні

У Вас є можливість відкрити власний супермаркет під міжнародним брендом. Адже один із найбільших рітейлерів світу, нідерландський SPAR, перезапускає бізнес в Україні. Компанія підписала договір про співпрацю з Інвестиційною Групою VolWest Group. За три роки «SPAR Україна Корпорейшн» планує відкрити 50 магазинів.

Чому Україна

Це не перша спроба SPAR зайти на ринок України. Вперше нідерландський франчайзер прийшов до нас у 2002 році. Другу спробу створити в Україні мережу SPAR здійснив у 2006 році. Криза 2008 року поступово змусила українських партнерів SPAR згорнути бізнес.
Однак, ринок продуктового рітейлу в Україні продовжує динамічний розвиток, мережі поступово витісняють неорганізовану торгівлю. І міжнародна група SPAR не могла стояти осторонь цього процесу.

Хто такий SPAR і чому VolWest Group

SPAR є одним з найбільш яскравих прикладів успішної експансії на міжнародні ринки. Компанія представлена в країнах Європи, Азії, Африки, Австралії і навіть далекої Океанії.

За свою 85-річну історію міжнародна спілка SPAR має представництва в 42 країнах світу і в цілому оперує 12 300 магазинами. Товарообіг мережі SPAR за рік складає понад 33 мільярди євро. Щодня 337 тисяч співробітників SPAR обслуговують понад 13 мільйонів покупців.

У 2016 році SPAR International запропонував Інвестиційній Групі VolWest Group спільно розвивати сучасну, передову міжнародну мережу SPAR в Україні.

Сергій Шавлукевич: “Наші майбутні партнери розуміли, що для активного розвитку в країні їм потрібна компанія-лідер. А у VolWest Group – багаторічний і багатогранний досвід у рітейлі. Уже понад 15 років ми розвиваємо як власні, так і франчайзингові мережі, причому не тільки в секторі FMCG.

Переговори підтвердили сподівання, що кожен з нас тільки виграє від такого співробітництва. Для SPAR International це стабільний і впевнений розвиток в Україні, для VolWest Group – можливість розвитку своїх мереж у різних форматах і цінових сегментах.”

Вибір був очевидний. Адже VolWest Group – перший український рітейлер, який почав розвиток франчайзингу в продуктовому рітейлі, і вже понад 13 років успішно розвиває франчайзинг під брендами Наш Край (мережа супермаркетів і експрес-маркетів), Тарантелла (піцерії), Карамеля (гуртівні солодощів). Більше того, з розвитком франчайзингової мережі, Інвестиційна Група мала запит на диференціацію нового формату магазинів для категорії покупців середній / середній плюс. Сформувався попит на більш якісне наповнення магазину: обладнання, інтер’єр, сервіс. Тому виникла необхідність для чергового кроку в розвитку.

24 січня у Києві “SPAR Україна Корпорейшн”, що входить до Інвестиційної групи VolWest Group та Міжнародна група SPAR International досягли домовленості щодо розвитку в Україні світової мережі SPAR.

VolWest Group ввійшла в мережу SPAR як повноправний партнер, що має право відкривати свої магазини під брендом SPAR, а також може передавати право на використання бренду іншим компаніям. Ліцензійна угода між компаніями підписана на 3 роки з гарантією подальшої пролонгації.

Головна “фішка” мережі SPAR – це безпрецедентна можливість обміну новітніми технологіями. Постійний обмін досвідом, інноваціями і передовими технологіями забезпечує конкурентоспроможність кожного партнера.

Ключові цінності SPAR для покупців – це широкий асортимент якісних і свіжих товарів, європейські стандарти обслуговування, індивідуальний підхід до кожного клієнта, комфорт і затишок в кожному магазині.

Головний момент диференціації SPAR в Україні в тому, що це будуть якісні та сучасні магазини міжнародного рівня.

Сергій Шавлукевич: “Наш досвід дозволяє нам дуже швидко почати розвиток нової мережі. Перший магазин SPAR плануємо відкрити протягом 2 місяців. До речі, це буде не власний магазин, а супермаркет, який працює по франчайзингу, що показує високий рівень довіри до бренду SPAR. У нас є достатньо партнерів, готових розвивати магазини форматів SPAR в Україні.”

У найближчих планах “SPAR Україна Корпорейшн” відкриття 15 магазинів до кінця 2017 року. При цьому відкривати їх український партнер планує переважно як у Західному і Центральному регіоні, так і на Сході та Півдні країни. У середньостроковій перспективі стоїть завдання відкрити 50 магазинів за 3 роки.


SPAR в Україні буде розвиватися в 4 торгових форматах: SPAR Express (магазини біля дому торговою площею до 200 кв.м), SPAR (супермаркети 200-800 кв.м), EUROSPAR (супермаркети 800-3000 кв.м), INTERSPAR (гіпермаркети більше 3000 кв.м).

Сергій Шавлукевич: “Ми вже активно працюємо над створенням концепції магазинів в різних форматах (SPAR express, SPAR, EUROSPAR). У цей проект активно включена команда фахівців SPAR з Британії, Португалії, Нідерландів, Угорщини. У концепті ми будемо використовувати найсучасніші досягнення рітейл-дизайну, оригінальне обладнання, а також досвід кращих в своєму розвитку країн-партнерів SPAR.”

Стати партнером SPAR може кожен, хто має бажання започаткувати власний бізнес і володіє початковим капіталом. Умови, що висуваються до потенційних франчайзі, досить прості. Необхідно мати власне або орендоване приміщення площею від 75 кв.м., що відповідає вимогам SPAR і забезпечене необхідними комунікаціями, розміщене у місцях із активним трафіком, у великих житлових масивах, центральній частині міста або торгових центрах. Потенційний партнер-франчайзі повинен мати у своєму розпорядженні необхідну суму інвестицій, що відповідають формату. Інвестиції в магазин SPAR складають від 300USD на кв.м. Роялті становить від 0,5 до 1,2% залежно від формату магазину.

Детальніша інформація для партнерів на офіційній сторінці http://SPAR.ua/.

Підводячи риску

Протягом останніх п’яти років мережа SPAR у світі продовжує зростати, незважаючи на нестабільну економічну ситуацію. Такі результати демонструють незмінну силу і привабливість бренду SPAR у всьому світі. SPAR – це партнер номер один для незалежних рітейлерів, які прагнуть оволодіти кращими практиками роздрібної торгівлі та забезпечити швидкий розвиток в умовах міжнародної конкуренції.

Відтепер SPAR в Україні. Сьогодні українські інвестори мають унікальну можливість стати власником бізнесу відомого міжнародного бренду. Адже ринок франчайзингового продуктового рітейлу України залишається найбільш перспективним і привабливим для інвестування у відкриття власної прибуткової справи. І динаміка франчайзингових проектів Інвестиційної Групи VolWest Group ще раз це підтверджує. А такі сучасні і технологічні франшизи як SPAR у довгостроковій перспективі мають найбільшу комерційну цінність.

Дізнатися більше про SPAR в Україні можна вже 21 – 23 лютого на виставці франчайзингу, що проходить у “Київекспоплазі” на вул. Салютній 2Б.
Тут “SPAR Україна Корпорейшн” представляє свій франчайзинговий пакет, а потенційні партнери зможуть дізнатися деталі придбання надійної, перевіреної багаторічним світовим досвідом франшизи від SPAR.

About Us

SPAR is an international group of independently owned and operated retailers and wholesalers who work together in partnership under the SPAR Brand to provide a high quality, value for money shopping experience for the communities we serve.

Our mission is to ensure that SPAR remains the world’s leading voluntary food retail chain and that we continue to grow our brand, our presence and our partners by working together to enhance the competitiveness, productivity and profitability of our retail and wholesale partners worldwide.

SPAR is the world’s leading voluntary food retail chain. The business started with one Dutch store in 1932 and now comprises more than 13,900 stores in over 48 countries on four continents. The development of SPAR has been underpinned by a set of values that have guided the organisation since its establishment over 90 years ago. At the heart of these core values is the commitment of SPAR independent entrepreneurs to collaborate in all areas of wholesale and retail to ensure we serve our local communities with passion while being authentic in all we do.

Global yet local

The driving force of the success of SPAR is the close co-operation of individual retailers and wholesalers at a local level in meeting the needs of their customers. SPAR is passionate about retailing and is driven by committed independent retailers who win the trust and friendship of their communities. Through a commitment to outstanding service and excellence in fresh foods, SPAR meets the needs of all of its customers.

The consistent execution of the SPAR Brand attributes of freshness, choice, quality and service attracts the custom and loyalty of consumers all over the world. Whatever the country and retail format, SPAR stores offer consumers a wide range and selection of quality fresh foods and friendly, personal service.

Our SPAR Partners globally continue to innovate in their markets, bringing the brand to an increasingly growing number of customers around the world. This local innovation on a global scale truly makes SPAR global, yet local.

The philosophy of SPAR

The story of SPAR in the early years is the story of founder, Adriaan van Well, an innovative Dutch wholesaler with a clear vision for the future of SPAR. He was inspired by a simple yet powerful philosophy based on the concept of voluntary retailing: Independent wholesalers and retailers can achieve more by working together than working alone. This vision of benefiting from working in co-operation, uniting resources and scale, remains the philosophy of SPAR today.

The History of SPAR

The story of SPAR in the early years is the story of Adriaan van Well, an innovative Dutch wholesaler with a clear vision for the future of SPAR. It was van Well’s belief that only through collaborative work could the independent sector survive and prosper in the face of increasing competition from multiple chains.

90th Anniversary

90th Anniversary

The SPAR Brand celebrated its 90th anniversary in 2022, marking nine decades of progress with purpose.

Starting with one market in 1932 in the Netherlands, we fast forward 90 years, to 48 markets in four regions, with over 13,900 stores serving 14.7 million customers every single day.

Driven by our purpose to be the local food store of choice, for 90 years, SPAR has been uplifting and growing communities around the world. And we will continue to be at the heart of the community for generations to come.

The 1930s

The first SPAR store opened in the Netherlands in 1932. It was initially launched as DESPAR, an acronym of a slogan created by van Well to describe the organisation: Door Eendrachtig Samenwerken Profiteren Allen Regelmatig, which translates into English as All Benefit from Joint Co-operation Regularly.

1932: The Netherlands

The 1940s

In the late 1940s, the decision was made to abbreviate DESPAR to SPAR.

The popularity of the SPAR system in the Netherlands did not go unnoticed. In 1947, the SPAR system was adopted by Belgian wholesalers, and SPAR was established in Belgium, marking the start of the brand’s internationalisation.

1947: Belgium

The 1950s

In the following years, van Well recognised that the SPAR concept had international relevance in offering an alternative to multiple retailers. SPAR International was established in 1953 to support and develop the SPAR concept globally.

Mr van Well was the first President of the International SPAR Board, and he set up SPAR International with an office and management team in Amsterdam. SPAR then expanded rapidly in Europe and was launched in the United Kingdom during the 1950s.

1953: Germany

1954: Austria

1954: Denmark

1955: France

1956: United Kingdom

1959: Italy

1959: Spain

The 1960s

From 1960 to 1970, SPAR continued to increase its presence in Europe. The brand entered Africa, where the SPAR concept of partnership between wholesalers and retailers was recognised as a basis for independent retailers to compete with multiple chains. SPAR South Africa played a major role in supporting the expansion of the SPAR partnership concept to its neighbouring countries.

1963: South Africa

1963: Ireland

1969: Zimbabwe

1968: Iconic SPAR Logo

The 1970s

SPAR entered Japan in 1977 and, through ‘All Japan SPAR Central’ built up a network of regional SPAR Partners operating both Neighbourhood Supermarkets and Convenience stores under the SPAR licence. The partner ceased to trade under the SPAR name at the end of 2016, but this market remains of interest to SPAR.

1977: Japan

The 1980s

During this period, there were several milestones for the brand. SPAR Austria established an international daughter company, ASPIAG, to extend the SPAR concept further into Central Europe, marking an important new stage in the development of SPAR. The decade began with the 25th SPAR Congress being held in Venice, Italy.

1984: Norway

1989: Switzerland

The 1990s

The SPAR Brand developed further with the launch of the SPAR Express retail format and the SPAR Brand’s Own Label range. The establishment of two buying groups during this period by SPAR International greatly strengthened the effectiveness of SPAR in joint purchasing. The non-commercial buying group was formed in 1992 and the own label buying group in 1994. Both organisations were established for the benefit of SPAR retailers and wholesalers. By 1999, SPAR was present in 20 countries, following the opening of the first SPAR store in Australia in 1994. With the addition of Australia, SPAR had expanded to four continents including Europe, Africa, and Asia.

1992: Slovenia

1992: Hungary

1994: Australia

1995: Poland

The 2000s

The new millennium has seen the continued expansion of SPAR, particularly in developing countries where the modern retail sector is a major driver of economic development. Since 2004, SPAR has had a presence in China. Throughout the decade, SPAR continued to expand in Central and Eastern Europe, as well as in Africa.

The growth of SPAR in existing countries and the level of interest expressed by new countries in securing the SPAR licence point to the continued relevance of the SPAR model in modern food retailing.

2001: Ukraine

2003: Zambia

2004: Botswana

2004: Namibia

2004: Croatia

2004: China

2006: Portugal

2009: Nigeria

The 2010s

This decade was characterised by rapid expansion, seeing the brand enter the Middle East, and the Caucuses, as well as expanding in existing markets through new retail concepts, and the rise in online retailing. In addition to the increased adoption of the multi-format strategy by SPAR country organisations, an online offer has become the norm. Customers today expect to order the full retail offer from their local SPAR store via an online offer, with home delivery or click-and-collect options available.

2011: United Arab Emirates

2012: Mozambique

2014: India

2014: Georgia

2014: Malawi

2014: Azerbaijan

2014: Oman

2015: Qatar

2015: Cameroon

2015: Seychelles

2016: Albania

2016: Malta

2016: Saudi Arabia

2016: Belarus

2017: Pakistan

2017: Sri Lanka

2019: Kosovo

2019: Greece

2020 onwards

In 2020, the importance of food retail and stores serving local communities grew significantly due to the global COVID-19 pandemic. More than ever, SPAR colleagues along the full supply chain play a pivotal role in meeting the needs of the local communities we serve worldwide. Rapid launch of online retailing through diverse solutions extends in this decade, plus the introduction of an international e-commerce SPAR solution to support independent retailers began rolling out in 2022.

2021: Latvia

2022: Kazakhstan

2022: One Tree Planted Campaign

2023: Paraguay

2023: Kyrgyzstan

2023: Uzbekistan

The 1930s

A simple yet powerful philosophy inspired van Well – independent wholesalers and retailers can achieve more by working together than working alone. Over time, the SPAR Brand has extended its presence, serving the needs of local communities across four continents to become the world’s local food store of choice.

1932: The Netherlands

Independent retailers re-branded their stores under the SPAR brand, branching out nationwide. SPAR continued to develop in the Netherlands during the 1930s.

The Head Office and Distribution Centre are in Waalwijk, from where support is provided for stores operating throughout the country.

1947: Belgium

SPAR was launched in Belgium in 1947, representing the first step in the brand’s international development. SPAR in Belgium is operated through two businesses: Retail Partners, which is part of the Colruyt Group, and the family-owned retail business Lambrechts. The two companies now operate over 315 SPAR branded stores across the country.

SPAR Retail Partners Colruyt Group, which operates both the SPAR and EUROSPAR formats, accounts for over 80% of total SPAR sales generated through a combination of company-owned and independently operated stores. SPAR Lambrechts focuses on serving customers with the SPAR and SPAR Express formats, supporting independent retailers.

The 1950s

By 1959, the SPAR family had extended to include wholesalers and retailers in nine countries. The SPAR Guild system of retailers and wholesalers working in partnership was by this time operating at regional, national, and international levels. The system supported the exchange of knowledge and information and provided a structure to work together and grow the business.

The first SPAR International Congress in the Netherlands in 1956 was particularly significant. It signalled the ambition to move the SPAR Brand beyond its European origins and become a worldwide organisation. The platform was set for SPAR to continue expanding within Europe and developing on new continents.

1953: Germany

SPAR was introduced to Germany in 1952, making it the third country, after the Netherlands and Belgium, to adopt the SPAR concept. SPAR has experienced considerable changes in Germany over the years, focusing on convenience, operated by licence retail business, Edeka.

SPAR Germany operates over 336 SPAR Express convenience stores across the country. Located in high-traffic locations, the SPAR Express stores offer a convenience format with the same competitive prices as consumers would find in supermarkets.

1954: Austria

The origins of SPAR in Austria date back to 1954, but the current SPAR AG was created in 1970 when the original founding families joined other regional wholesalers to form SPAR Austria AG – a 100% privately owned Austrian company.

With licences granted by SPAR International, ASPIAG (Austria SPAR International AG) has developed the brand in Slovenia, Hungary, Croatia, and Northern Italy. With sales of €8.3 billion and impressive growth of 16%, SPAR Austria became the market leader in the Austrian grocery trade in 2020, after being a market growth leader for over a decade. It maintained this leadership position in 2021.

1954: Denmark

SPAR Denmark was founded in 1954 when Danish retail company, Dagrofa, was granted a licence to operate the brand in the market. In 2013, NorgesGruppen purchased 49% of the Dagrofa Group. This led to a major restructuring of the retail business, strengthening the SPAR Brand in Denmark.

SPAR Denmark has more than 135 supermarkets spread across the country, positioning itself as the largest independent retail chain in the market. Its headquarters are in Ringsted. Over the past years, SPAR Denmark has implemented a robust expansion plan to open new stores in the capital city and larger cities nationwide.

1955: France

SPAR was introduced to France in 1955, with its current partner, Casino Group, being granted the licence to operate the brand in the 1990s. There are ongoing developments in relation to both the store formats and the customer offer. As a result of the scale of Casino operations, the 898 SPAR stores in France benefit from the existing distribution network.

Shoppers continue to favour local produce and products as well as neighbourhood stores. The SPAR concept, operated primarily by independent retailers, fits this trend and has seen a rejuvenation of its offer.

1956: United Kingdom

The UK became a SPAR member in 1956 when SPAR International granted the SPAR licence to a group of independent wholesalers. As a result, there are now five regional organisations in the UK. A central office in London provides national marketing and buying services for the group.

SPAR has led the highly competitive convenience market in the UK for many years. Always innovative, the five regional companies continue to grow the brand. SPAR UK comprises independently owned licensed retailers and company-owned stores. These include forecourts, airports, train stations, city centres, and local neighbourhood stores.

1959: Italy

SPAR Italy, known locally as DESPAR Italia, was first granted the SPAR Brand’s licence in 1959. The first store opened in 1960, making SPAR the first partnership of retailers and wholesalers to operate in the country. In addition, SPAR Italy licenses regional partners, all of whom work together to grow the brand across the country.

The DESPAR consortium operates stores under three formats: DESPAR neighbourhood supermarkets, EUROSPAR Supermarkets, and INTERSPAR Hypermarkets. Many of the larger format stores are company-owned, reflecting the scale of investment required. The independently owned neighbourhood supermarkets are a vital part of the organisation’s strategy to bring a high-quality, tailored grocery offering to communities.

1959: Spain

SPAR Spain was founded in 1959 when a group of wholesalers who wished to join an international organisation came together. As a result, the brand became the first voluntary trading chain to be established in Spain.

The head office is in Barcelona. It provides buying, marketing, communications, and brand support to the 13 regional partners. Together, the SPAR operators actively continue the expansion of the brand across the country.

The 1960s

The SPAR development plan became increasingly sophisticated during this time. Licences were granted to Partners in Southern and Western Africa as part of an ongoing expansion into new markets. In 1968, SPAR International introduced the current SPAR Logo.

Two other milestones in the development of SPAR date from this period. The EUROSPAR Supermarket formula was developed in 1968. A year later, the INTERSPAR Hypermarket formula, was integrated into the multi-format strategy.

1963: South Africa

SPAR South Africa was established in 1963. It operates four retail formats: SPAR neighbourhood, SPAR Express (operated in conjunction with Shell as a petrol forecourt store), KWIKSPAR (which focuses on convenience in city centres and high footfall locations), and SUPERSPAR Supermarkets (similar to EUROSPAR in offer).

South Africa was the first country outside Europe to join the SPAR organisation. The SPAR Group Ltd South Africa grants sub-licences to independent retailers to operate stores under one of the four formats, with almost all the current store portfolio being independently owned.

1963: Ireland

SPAR Ireland was established in 1963. It is operated by a leading wholesale and retail company, BWG Foods, now a subsidiary of SPAR Group Ltd Southern Africa.

With a presence across the Republic of Ireland, SPAR is one of the country’s largest convenience retail groups. In developing the business, SPAR Ireland has a long track record of recognising the strategic importance of new retail concepts. It operates three of the four SPAR formats: SPAR, EUROSPAR, and SPAR Express. These three formats bring consumers a comprehensive range of innovative products and instore offerings.

1969: Zimbabwe

In 1967, Zimbabwe (then Rhodesia) became the 13th country to join the SPAR network after signing a licence agreement with SPAR International. In 2015, an independent retailer, Darren Lanҫa, took over the licence for the SPAR Brand in Zimbabwe after the previous licence holder divested this retail division.

Despite the challenging economic environment, SPAR Zimbabwe continues to grow its store network. It also remains actively involved in the local community, helping to make a difference through charitable sponsored events. The SPAR country organisation maintains a ‘Fresh is Best’ policy, with the highest quality specifications in all grocery departments.

1968: Iconic SPAR Logo

In 1968, the SPAR logotype was redesigned by renowned designer Raymond Loewy. This iconic design has remained unchanged ever since, with the stylised fir tree and distinctive typeface becoming globally recognised.

1984: Norway

NorgesGruppen ASA is the parent company of SPAR Norway. It is the market leader in the Norwegian grocery market. NorgesGruppen AS signed the SPAR licence for Norway in 1984. In February 2013, NorgesGruppen purchased 49% of the Dagrofa Group – the licenced company operating the SPAR Brand in Denmark. SPAR Norway operates two retail formats: EUROSPAR and SPAR.

1989: Switzerland

SPAR Switzerland was founded in 1989. In 2000, the family-owned business transformed into a holding company with three operating companies. The business grew, combining corporate and independently-owned stores, spanning forecourt retailing to large supermarkets.

In early 2016, SPAR Switzerland announced the sale of 60% of its shares to SPAR Group Ltd, South Africa. The remaining 40% was purchased in March 2021 by SPAR Group Ltd.

1992: Slovenia

SPAR Slovenia, operated by ASPIAG (Austria SPAR International AG), was granted a licence to operate in 1991. ASPIAG is a subsidiary of SPAR Austria AG. SPAR has become a key employer in the country. A Distribution Centre, bakery, and corporate-owned stores provide employment opportunities.

SPAR Slovenia operates three store formats: SPAR neighbourhood, SPAR Supermarkets, and INTERSPAR Hypermarkets. The brand is one of the most trusted companies in the country. Nielsen research has placed SPAR first in terms of freshness, quality, and range. The SPAR Bakery has played a vital role in the overall fresh offer in Slovenia and has received excellent customer feedback.

1992: Hungary

The first SPAR Supermarket opened in Hungary in 1992, following the acquisition by ASPIAG (Austria SPAR International AG) of a majority stake in General Kereskedelmi Rt. Since its launch, SPAR Hungary has been actively involved in developing the country’s retail industry.

The licensing of independent retailers to operate the SPAR Brand in Hungary has proven successful. The retailers benefit from access to SPAR Own Brand products and expertise, while consumers enjoy the increased number of store locations. SPAR Hungary is one of the country’s largest employers, with nearly 18,000 team members.

SPAR Hungary runs a network of over 610 company-owned and independently-run stores. The country organisation’s online platform is available in Budapest and over 50 surrounding municipalities.

1994: Australia

SPAR began trading in Australia in 1994. The current company was formed in 2006. In late 2010 a new majority shareholder, Jardin Investments Pty Ltd, was confirmed. This development significantly accelerated the modernisation of the SPAR Brand in Australia.

SPAR Australia Limited is an unlisted public company with an elected Board of Directors. The company licenses and supports independent retailers to develop the brand. In addition, it provides a range of services through its Distribution Centre and offices.

1995: Poland

The SPAR licence was granted to an independent wholesale company operating in Wroclaw in 1995. Independent retailers were attracted to the voluntary trading model, opening SPAR and EUROSPAR Supermarkets across the country.

Following a number of challenges, the wholesaler sold the business to SPAR Group Ltd based in Southern Africa, with SPAR International granting a licence to operate SPAR in Poland with effect from 2019. Using a multi-format strategy comprising SPAR Express convenience stores, SPAR and EUROSPAR Supermarkets are building the brand’s presence across the country.

2001: Ukraine

SPAR was launched in Ukraine in 2001 and experienced a lot of change over the past few years. On 1 December 2016, SPAR International granted a new licence to Volwest LLC. This prominent retail group has a strong track record of partnering with independent retailers. SPAR Ukraine continues to build on a multi-format retailing strategy to expand the brand’s presence.

SPAR Ukraine’s strong focus on fresh boosted its growth. Extensive food service solutions, instore cafés, and food-to-go options complement the instore grocery and fresh assortments.

2003: Zambia

Since 2020, SPAR Zambia’s independent retailers have operated collaboratively under licence from SPAR International. SPAR International continues to work closely with the retailers, monitoring operational efficiency and providing access to online training and digital marketing tools.

2004: Botswana

The licence to operate SPAR in Botswana was granted to the SPAR Group Ltd South Africa in 2004 by SPAR International. SPAR Botswana operates both the large SUPERSPAR format and smaller SPAR Supermarkets. The key focus in Botswana is on the delivery of excellent customer service, with instore bakery, delicatessen, butchery, and fresh produce departments playing an important role.

2004: Namibia

SPAR International and SPAR South Africa concluded a licence agreement for Namibia in January 2004. The Western Cape Distribution Centre in South Africa provides retail operations support and product supply.

SPAR Namibia operates both SPAR and SUPERSPAR Supermarkets in the market, bringing the brand to shoppers across the country.

2004: Croatia

The first SPAR store opened in Croatia in 2005, following the licence agreement between ASPIAG (Austrian SPAR International AG) and SPAR International in 2004. As a member of the ASPIAG group, SPAR Croatia can access a wide range of own brand products. Brand development has primarily taken place through SPAR Supermarkets and INTERSPAR Hypermarkets, both through the take-over of existing chains and the opening of new stores.

SPAR Croatia is a strong supporter of locally sourced products and cooperates with over 40 small-scale agricultural producers, selling products under ‘The Garden of Croatia’ brand. SPAR also runs a ‘Yes, It’s Local’ campaign to promote local goods.

2004: China

SPAR was introduced to China in 2004 with the signing of the licence agreement for Shandong province, followed by the addition of more partners. The privately-owned retail chains licensed to operate SPAR have a cooperative relationship. As a result, this partnership aligns with the original SPAR mission of working together to reduce costs, maximise sales, and increase profits. The SPAR China Partners, whilst part of a leading international group, maintain 100% local ownership.

2006: Portugal

The licence for SPAR in Portugal was granted in 2006, complementing Western Europe’s brand presence. In 2011, new investors provided the capital required to meet the needs of a rapidly growing business.

Ten years after the first store opened in 2007, the SPAR business celebrated its 100th store – there are now more than 140 in operation across the country. The SPAR stores in Portugal are predominantly convenience-focused neighbourhood stores of around 250m2 in size.

2009: Nigeria

The SPAR licence for Nigeria was granted to the Artee Group in 2009, a leading retail operator in Lagos. Progress has continued throughout the years in developing the SPAR presence in Nigeria. The company developed the brand through a combination of new build and conversion stores, creating brand recognition amongst shoppers and local entrepreneurs able to supply local products to this organised retail network.

2011: United Arab Emirates

The first SPAR store was opened in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) in 2012 after SPAR International granted the SPAR licence to Abu Dhabi Co-operative Society (ADCOOPS) to develop the brand in this rapidly growing market.

SPAR UAE operates three SPAR formats: SPAR Hypermarkets, SPAR Supermarkets, and SPAR Express stores. All three formats have well-developed fresh sections, demonstrating the intention to be ‘best in fresh.’ SPAR UAE also offers an e-commerce solution, facilitating home delivery for consumers.

2012: Mozambique

SPAR International granted the licence to operate the SPAR Brand in Mozambique to the SPAR Group Ltd South Africa in 2012. SPAR Supermarkets in Mozambique are supported by the SPAR South Africa Lowveld Distribution Centre, which provides product and retail operations assistance.

The independent SPAR retailers in Mozambique benefit from access to a strong selection of SPAR Own Brand products and global expertise in operations, a training academy, marketing, and communications. Currently, there are 13 stores operating under SUPERSPAR and SPAR banners across the country.

2014: India

In August 2014, SPAR International and Max Hypermarkets entered into a partnership agreement to develop the brand across the country. Max Hypermarkets is operated by the Landmark Group, a retail group headquartered in Dubai.

SPAR India has focused development on the SPAR Hypermarket format, converting stores from the Max brand and establishing new build stores – expanding the reach into new territories.

2014: Georgia

The SPAR retail organisation in Georgia is Foodmart, an existing food retailer with a solid and successful business. SPAR International granted the licence to operate the brand to SPAR Georgia in early 2014. Later that year, SPAR launched in the country, with three supermarkets opening on the same day in Tbilisi.

SPAR Georgia stores offer a good selection of fresh produce and traditional Georgian baked goods, complemented by a localised food-to-go proposal. The stores also include SPAR Own Brand ranges, baby food ranges, increased grocery lines, and non-food departments. SPAR Georgia continues to promote local suppliers, small businesses, and start-ups.

2014: Malawi

The Peoples Trading Centre (PTC) was granted the licence to operate the SPAR Brand in Malawi in 2014. The first SPAR store opened in Lilongwe, the capital city, in October 2015. The SPAR stores bring international best practices in retail innovation and store layout to the local market.

2014: Azerbaijan

Azerbaijan was the second country in the Caucasus region to join the global SPAR network. Local SPAR retail company Araz operates convenience stores and neighbourhood supermarkets. The first SPAR store in Azerbaijan opened in the capital city, Baku, in December 2015. There are currently 11 SPAR stores in the country. SPAR Azerbaijan’s store network brings global best practices to the market, delivering a new offering with a focus on fresh.

2014: Oman

SPAR International granted the licence for SPAR in Oman in 2014 to Khimji Ramdas, a US$1 billion Distribution Company. Khimji Ramdas is a leading business conglomerate in Oman. The group has interests in trading, distribution, retailing, training, restaurants, and manufacturing.

SPAR Oman has taken learnings from several SPAR countries and identified opportunities to build and develop the brand across the country. As a result, it has developed a successful business that offers a world-class shopping experience to consumers in a short period.

2015: Qatar

Al Wataniya International Holding, the licence company for Qatar, joined SPAR in 2015 and has focused on establishing the most appropriate retail and supply chain model for the brand. The first SPAR store opened in November 2017, and the company has plans in place to continue growing its retail presence.

2015: Cameroon

The SPAR retail company in Cameroon is L’Atrium SA, a joint venture between two existing family-owned companies (Dee-lite Sarl and Groupe ARNO) with local expertise in wholesale and retail operations.

The first SPAR store in Cameroon opened in 2015 in Douala, the country’s largest city. At the end of 2021, SPAR Cameroon operated eight stores, with a portfolio comprising SPAR Express convenience stores, SPAR neighbourhood stores, and INTERSPAR Hypermarkets.

2015: Seychelles

SPAR International granted SPAR South Africa the licence for Seychelles in 2015. The company sought a retailer to launch and develop the brand in this new, albeit limited, market and supported the development of the first store on Eden Island.

Housed in a modern and stylish shopping complex, the supermarket is the first SPAR store and the first internationally branded supermarket in Seychelles – offering a new level of retail excellence to the country.

2016: Albania

SPAR International granted the SPAR licence in Albania in mid-2016 to Almark, owned by the Balfin Group. Since launching in October 2016, SPAR Albania has converted company-owned stores and established new partnerships with independent retailers to expand the brand’s reach. As a result, SPAR Albania operates two formats: INTERSPAR Hypermarkets and SPAR Supermarkets.

2016: Malta

In the second half of 2016, SPAR International granted a licence to the Azzopardi Group to operate the SPAR Brand in Malta. A leading fisheries company established more than 30 years ago, Azzopardi has a dedication to fresh produce and excellent customer service. SPAR Malta officially opened its first store in June 2018.

SPAR Malta aims to become one of the leading retail brands on the island with a strong focus on utilising the success of SPAR Own Brand products – not only making them available to local customers but also developing the range per their specific needs.

2016: Saudi Arabia

The licence to operate SPAR in Saudi Arabia was granted in January 2016 to the AlSadhan Group. Established in 1952, the group has diverse business interests with experience in retail. It is now seeking to convert its existing supermarkets and expand further.

SPAR Saudi Arabia offers a world-class shopping experience to consumers, building on their extensive FMCG credentials in the market and tapping into SPAR International’s expertise in modern food retailing.

2016: Belarus

In December 2016, SPAR International granted Almi Group’s Unifood CJSC subsidiary an exclusive licence to operate the SPAR Brand in Belarus. The first SPAR neighbourhood supermarket was opened in the capital city of Minsk in August 2017. SPAR Belarus operates two store formats: SPAR neighbourhood stores and EUROSPAR Supermarkets.

2017: Pakistan

The licence for SPAR in Pakistan was granted on 1 January 2017 to Galaxy International, a private company owned by the Burque Group – a diverse business with experience in FMCG distribution.

The brand’s entry into Pakistan has seen the development of stores in the country’s largest city, Karachi. SPAR multi-format stores, ranging from small convenience to supermarkets, continue to develop across the country.

2017: Sri Lanka

SPAR International granted a licence to Ceylon Biscuits Limited (CBL Group) in 2017 to operate the SPAR Brand in Sri Lanka in a joint venture with the SPAR Group Ltd South Africa. CBL is a well-established organisation founded in the 1960s. It employs 5,000 people across diverse operations.

It has strong roots in local communities and a commitment to enhancing food retailing and entrepreneurial opportunities in the market, making it an ideal partner for SPAR.

2019: Kosovo

In January 2019, SPAR International granted an exclusive licence to a consortium, SPAR Kosova JSC, to operate the SPAR Brand in the country.

Since 2021, SPAR Kosova has become a division of the well-established Meridian Corporation which is fully owned by the Gashi family. The Meridian Group has over 1,000 employees throughout Kosovo.

2019: Greece

The SPAR Brand was first launched in Greece in 1969 when the Veropoulous company was granted the SPAR licence. In 2018, after the Veropoulous family decided to sell the business, the brand was re-launched in Greece with a new retail group under the name SPAR Hellas.

Corporate-owned stores are being developed alongside independent retailer-run stores with global expertise in store design, store operations, fresh service offerings, and instore communications being accessed and implemented.

2021: Latvia

SPAR International granted a licence in 2021 to operate the brand in Latvia to S&P Logistics, which founded SPAR Latvia with the vision of uniting independent retail groups to collaborate in the face of growing international discount competition. SPAR in Latvia offer s consumers a high-quality, modern, and relevant food shopping experience.

2022: Kazakhstan

SPAR International granted a licence to a local company to operate the SPAR b rand in Kazakhstan from 1 January 2022. The group has an existing retail and distribution network in the country. The first SPAR store in Kazakhstan open ed in 2022, with plans in place to grow the brand further .

2022: One Tree Planted Campaign

The global SPAR family celebrates the brand’s 90th anniversary by giving back to our communities through the planting of trees. Our global tree planting initiative is called SPAR One Tree Planted. It symbolises the simple action of putting trees into the ground, one tree at a time. We have partnered with One Tree Planted, whose vision is to make it simple for anyone to help the environment by planting trees.

2023: Paraguay

SPAR granted a license to operate the SPAR Brand in Paraguay to Los Jardines, a leading family-owned and operated food retail chain in Paraguay. The retail group was established in 1994 and now operates stores under the Los Jardines and Los Jardines Express brands across Paraguay. The first SPAR stores in Paraguay will open in 2023, with the retail network development being supported by SPAR International.

2023: Kyrgyzstan

SPAR International granted a licence to a local company to operate the SPAR Brand in Kyrgyzstan in 2023. The group has an existing retail and distribution network in the country. Stores began to open under the SPAR brand in this market mid-2023 and the retailer has plans in place to grow the brand further.

2023: Uzbekistan

SPAR International granted a license to a local company to operate the SPAR Brand in Uzbekistan in 2023. The group has an existing retail and distribution network in the country. Stores will begin to open under the SPAR brand in this market in 2024 and the retailer has plans in place to grow the brand further.

The first store

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus gravida eget arcu ut viverra. Nam lacinia metus a ex laoreet, nec placerat purus pulvinar. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus lacus magna, placerat id erat sed, efficitur vehicula est. Vestibulum semper imperdiet lacus a ornare. Morbi gravida orci nunc, ut elementum justo condimentum eleifend. Pellentesque placerat leo enim, vel maximus ex lobortis eu. Proin dignissim dui mauris, et porttitor felis ultricies nec. Aenean in dapibus tellus, eget tempor dolor. Curabitur nec erat sed justo aliquet viverra in sit amet ipsum. Morbi quis ipsum posuere, varius erat quis, imperdiet elit. Vestibulum ultrices mauris elit, sit amet blandit lectus fringilla ut. Nullam semper eros ac dictum luctus. Nullam mattis fringilla nunc. Praesent ac sapien nec nulla interdum tincidunt. Etiam nibh turpis, consectetur sed ex quis, semper accumsan nisl. Ut id feugiat ligula. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Donec blandit suscipit erat, ut imperdiet eros bibendum quis. Nullam facilisis vestibulum mauris, sit amet commodo purus. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Mauris porta vestibulum orci, non sodales elit venenatis in. Vivamus faucibus dolor mi. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Etiam ornare dui ac euismod accumsan. Donec eu efficitur magna. Maecenas nec placerat elit. Phasellus venenatis arcu ut risus lobortis tempor. Phasellus et venenatis lacus, ut mattis libero. Sed sed consectetur sem, faucibus aliquam risus. Mauris commodo elit in libero ullamcorper, sed posuere lectus luctus. In gravida mattis quam in sollicitudin. Fusce efficitur condimentum erat ut blandit. Morbi id purus quam. Quisque gravida, arcu sed mollis pellentesque, libero orci aliquet libero, vitae rutrum est nisl vel felis. Donec nunc libero, condimentum vel nisi nec, vestibulum euismod nunc. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Aliquam tellus tellus, lacinia eget velit vitae, feugiat interdum sapien.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus gravida eget arcu ut viverra. Nam lacinia metus a ex laoreet, nec placerat purus pulvinar. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus lacus magna, placerat id erat sed, efficitur vehicula est. Vestibulum semper imperdiet lacus a ornare. Morbi gravida orci nunc, ut elementum justo condimentum eleifend. Pellentesque placerat leo enim, vel maximus ex lobortis eu. Proin dignissim dui mauris, et porttitor felis ultricies nec. Aenean in dapibus tellus, eget tempor dolor. Curabitur nec erat sed justo aliquet viverra in sit amet ipsum. Morbi quis ipsum posuere, varius erat quis, imperdiet elit. Vestibulum ultrices mauris elit, sit amet blandit lectus fringilla ut. Nullam semper eros ac dictum luctus. Nullam mattis fringilla nunc. Praesent ac sapien nec nulla interdum tincidunt. Etiam nibh turpis, consectetur sed ex quis, semper accumsan nisl. Ut id feugiat ligula. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Donec blandit suscipit erat, ut imperdiet eros bibendum quis. Nullam facilisis vestibulum mauris, sit amet commodo purus. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Mauris porta vestibulum orci, non sodales elit venenatis in. Vivamus faucibus dolor mi. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Etiam ornare dui ac euismod accumsan. Donec eu efficitur magna. Maecenas nec placerat elit. Phasellus venenatis arcu ut risus lobortis tempor. Phasellus et venenatis lacus, ut mattis libero. Sed sed consectetur sem, faucibus aliquam risus. Mauris commodo elit in libero ullamcorper, sed posuere lectus luctus. In gravida mattis quam in sollicitudin. Fusce efficitur condimentum erat ut blandit. Morbi id purus quam. Quisque gravida, arcu sed mollis pellentesque, libero orci aliquet libero, vitae rutrum est nisl vel felis. Donec nunc libero, condimentum vel nisi nec, vestibulum euismod nunc. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Aliquam tellus tellus, lacinia eget velit vitae, feugiat interdum sapien.

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