Коли реліз Satisfactory


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Used to transport trains in a reliable and fast manner.
Has a wide turn angle so make sure to plan it out properly.

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An electric locomotive and two freight cars on a Railway, with a second Railway behind it.

The Railway is a buildable structure which trains run on. Railways connect Train Stations and form a logistic network besides Conveyors, Drones and optional automated wheeled vehicles.


  • 1 Theoretical maximum throughput
  • 2 Construction
    • 2.1 Building Limitations
    • 2.2 Building of curved section
    • 2.3 Build order
    • 2.4 End of line loop
    • 2.5 Collision width
    • 2.6 Dismantle
    • 2.7 Supporting columns
    • 2.8 Derailing
    • 2.9 Building a perfectly straight Railway
    • 2.10 Junctions

    Theoretical maximum throughput

    Assuming an infinitely long cargo train runs on a flat, horizontal railway at a constant speed, the theoretical throughput is:

    For items that stack to 100, such as ores, at the maximum speed of 120 km/h, this is equivalent to:

    Which is higher than the throughput of 512 Mk.5 Conveyors.

    Although the train can move this amount of items between stations, the limited ports at the station mean a much smaller transfer rate can be realized in end-to-end transfer using the train. See Tutorial:Train_throughput for a calculation on Freight Car/Station throughput.


    Railways can be laid directly on the ground or snapped to existing foundations, ramps, Train Stations, Freight Platforms, and Empty Platforms. Building a Railway costs one Steel Pipe and one Steel Beam for the first 18 meters, and one Steel Pipe and one Steel Beam for every 12 subsequent meters, making it slightly cheaper to build many small sections if short on materials.

    Building Limitations

    The building length of one segment of the Railway is limited to 100 meters, or the length of 12.5 foundations in a flat, straight line, which costs eight Steel Pipes and eight Steel Beams. The minimum length is 12 meters, which is the length of one and a half foundations.

    The sharpest possible 180-degree turn. Note that buildings can still snap at the extreme edges of the turn.

    The minimum turning radius for a perfect 90-degree turn on a foundation is 17 meters as measured by the center of the Railway at the end of the turn (where the cursor will aim when building). This means a 180-degree turn can be completed within an area of exactly five by two and a half foundation blocks and still allow snapping to the edges of that area (see image).

    The maximum slope is more complicated, as it depends partially on the angle of the start and endpoints of the segment, due to the way curves will be “smoothed” from one section to the next. If the start and endpoints both lie on a flat surface such as a foundation, the maximum slope is 28 meters high over a distance of 94.5 meters, which is a ratio of 1:3.375. However, if the start and end points both lie on a Ramp 8m x 2m, the slope can be increased to a ratio of 1:2.7. You cannot build a rail on a 4m ramp, but you can use a combination of 2m ramps and 4m ramps to achieve a steeper grade than a chain of 2m ramps. As of Update 5, when using beams to support rails, one can achieve a maximum slope of 1:2.25.

    The collision box of a Railway segment is six meters wide and one meter tall. Because of its short collision box and the fact that Locomotives have no collision, it is possible to “hide” a fully functional Railway beneath a floor of foundation with a 1-meter space beneath them, then more foundation to lay the Railway on (see image). Because if this, you can build a level crossing that allows road vehicles to cross the track, by driving over the foundations covering the rails.

    The railway cannot loop upside-down [1] or tilt left or right.

    Building of curved section

    The building of a Railway curve is currently glitchy. If the building is started from an existing Railway and a curved Railway with a free end is being built, it is usually easier to build. However, if an attempt to connect two existing Railways with a curve is made, it will show a ‘Turning Radius too tight’ warning, despite the radius being larger than 17 meters. Therefore if a curved Railway cannot be built, try to rebuild it with a different build order.

    Build order

    It is advisable to build the Train Station before building the rail. Attempting to build the station on top of the existing Railway will cause the station to be built on top of the rail but not connected to it. You could, however, build the Railway with the free end snapped to the foundation then build a train station at the end of it. The same is applied to Freight Platforms.

    End of line loop

    It is advised to put an end-of-line loop for single direction train. Building the loop itself takes trial and error, and separate the loop into several shorter curves are advised: the shorter the curve, the lesser chance that ‘Too tight turn!’ warning will appear.

    Collision width

    There is no collision box implemented at the moment, which means that the rail (and entire trains) can clip through the ground. Judging from the visual it is about six meters wide and one meter high.


    You can dismantle the rail at any time. You cannot dismantle the rail in a train station; you have to dismantle the train station instead. Dismantling a rail segment with a train moving on it will stop the train. Dismantling a rail split way will remove the Railroad Switch Control too.

    Supporting columns

    If the railway is placed across a gap with no foundations underneath, no supporting columns appear, as opposed to what is displayed in the E3 trailer. The rail does not have any sort of structural integrity, so trains can cross an unsupported section of track with no issue. The latitude curvature of a rail is only dependent on the slope of the starting and ending points, which means if the starting and ending points lie on a flat surface such as foundations, the rail will be perfectly horizontal, despite a large gap in between which would realistically cause the railway to sag. On the other hand, attempting to build on uneven ground could lead to unexpected sloping of rail.

    When building your Railway, you can add Pillars vertically downward from Railway using Zooping in places that are best for aesthetics. [2]


    A train cannot derail when approaching the end of the rail at high speed. Instead, it will simply stop abruptly at the end of the rail. The train segments will be ‘compressed’ together visually. Trains traveling on the railway can derail if they collide with other trains at high speed.

    Building a perfectly straight Railway

    When building a Railway, the angle of the segment you are building is affected by the curvature of the segment you snap to, which in turn affects the next piece you build. Because of this, it is possible to build every segment snapped to a straight line on your foundation, yet the entire track will curve endlessly back and forth. This most commonly happens when building a Railway from a segment placed directly on the ground and then connecting it to the foundation.

    To avoid this, build one straight segment directly on the foundation without connecting to any other piece of Railway, then go back and connect that straight segment to the curve you were working on. Every segment placed on the foundation thereafter will remain perfectly straight until the next curve.


    Switches are made by joining two rail segments and then adding another segment to the joining point of the two existing segments. A junction can have a maximum of 3 different rails splitting from the same point. A Railroad Switch Control will be placed at the point where the tracks connect. The control has a white arrow that will point in the direction that the track is switched. A Railway split cannot be created directly before or after a Train station or freight platform, so a short piece of Railway is required in between.


    Railways conduct Power to Electric Locomotives on the track and connected Train stations. This feature means that you can power an outpost or factory that has a station instead of running a power line. A simple crossroad will not conduct power to the crossing Railway; both Railways must be connected with a junction. Hover Packs can also receive power from the Railway.

    Current issues

    • Sometimes when a Railway split is built, a Railroad Switch Control is not created automatically. In that case, the junction will not work, which means a train might get stuck on its route or it simply won’t run on its automatic schedule. You need to ensure a Switch Control is created at every Railway split. Try to rebuild the Railway junction in a different order if the control does not appear.

    External links


    • Using the fact that rails currently do not have collision hitboxes, it is possible to make a train line (or any other mode of transportation of pioneers or items) go through the most solid natural obstacles (terrain, building, etc.)
    • The gauge of the track is between 3.5 and 4 meters


    The footprint of a Railway end of line loop. This loop is only required for 1-way trains. Use the foundations as a guide, separate the loop into several smaller curves.

    Create a Railway split by building another Railway to the existing Railway joints between two segments.


    • Patch Fixed the Railroad Tracks displaying incorrectly
    • Patch
      • Fixed the Railways, Hypertubes and Pipelines visually having incorrect rotation when set via Blueprint
        • This may also fix sinking/incorrectly rotated foundations in some scenarios
        • Railway should now properly display when placing a Blueprint hologram
        • Fixed build effect for Railways



        Satisfactory – економічний симулятор від першої особи, у відкритому світі, в якому гравцю необхідно досліджувати безлюдну планету, будувати заводи і відбивати атаки інопланетян. Гравцю належить складати карту місцевості, добувати ресурси, відкривати нові технології і поліпшувати виробництво власних заводів.

        Розробка гри

        Розробкою і видавництвом Satisfactory займається студія Coffee Stain Studios, яка створила культову гру Goat Simulator.

        Історія розробки

        Офіційний анонс гри відбувся в березні 2018-го року, разом з яким розробники поділилися першим тизером гри.

        У червні того ж року, на щорічній виставці Е3, розробники показали новий трейлер і перше геймплейне відео ігри.

        На початку березня 2019-го року, студія Coffee Stain Studios оголосила про те, що 19-го березня гра з’явиться в ранньому доступі магазину Epic Games Store, в якості ексклюзиву.

        Дата виходу

        19-го березня 2019-го року, Satisfactory з’явилася у ранньому доступі цифрового магазина Epic Games Store. Дата повноцінного релізу поки що невідома.


        Дія Satisfactory відбувається в далекому майбутньому, коли людство приступило до підкорення космосу і незвіданих планет. Основні події відбуваються на одній з далеких незаселених планет.

        По ходу сюжету, гравцю належить відвідати безліч красивих та чарівних локацій, розташованих на планеті, зустріти інопланетних жителів і освоїти безліч незвичайних технологій майбутнього.


        Головного героя, який працює на велику компанію FICSIT Incorporated, відправляють на невідому планету, щоб він організував на ній пошук і видобуток ресурсів, а також розібрався з ворожими інопланетними жителями.


        Satisfactory – гра в жанрі економічного симулятора і пісочниці від першої особи, яка відбувається у відкритому світі.

        Дія Satisfactory починається з того, що гравець, перебуваючи на космічному кораблі, висаджується на невідомій планеті. Після посадки починається процес збирання початкових ресурсів, спорудження і численні поліпшення бази, і дослідження найближчих територій.

        На самому початку всі ресурси видобуваються вручну, за допомогою спеціальних існтрументів, але пізніше, по мірі розвитку бази, гравцю будуть відкриватися автоматизовані пристрої для видобутку ресурсів.

        Також у гравця є спеціальний прилад, що нагадує електрошокер, за допомогою якого можна боротися з інопланетними тваринами.


        Відгуків користувачів гри ще немає. Станьте першим! Ви можете залишити свій відгук про гру. Для цього потрібно увійти. Якщо ви ще не з нами – зареєструйтесь.

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