Як правильно використовувати Lanbena

Lanbena Review

Finding a targeted solution for a specific skin care concern can actually be more challenging that you would expect. Because of this, brands like Lanbena have started to create very specific solutions to common skin concerns like acne, scarring and more. Today, the brand offers a full range of results-oriented skincare. But do these products really deliver on their claims? In this review, we’ll be discussing the story behind Lanbena, a few of the best selling Lanbena products, Lanbena reviews from real customers, and an alternative for you to consider.


Is Lanbena Skincare Worth The Money?

A common question about this brand is if the products are worth the cost.

In our opinion, Lanbena products deliver value for money, but take a look at other brands that don’t require you to sacrifice your precious money.

We recommend brands that are committed to developing clean yet effective products.

One brand is Carrot & Stick, a clean skincare brand that perfectly balances the gentle nurturing of plants with the powerful results of innovative science.

Carrot & Stick intro bundles deliver great value for money because you can bundle 3 full-size products worth up to $240 for $88.

What’s Inside Lanbena Skin Care?

Looking at the formulations behind these products, there are a blend of traditional chinese ingredients, as well as safe skincare staples like vitamin C and peptides. Let’s take a closer look at how these ingredients may improve your skin.

Vitamin C
We’ve been hearing for years that Vitamin C is the best anti-aging ingredient. Vitamin C is a potent antioxidant that protects the skin from free radicals, the unstable molecules that contribute to the formation of premature wrinkles and fine lines on the skin.

Vitamin C also helps fade dark spots, evens out skin tone, and increases radiance. As if that wasn’t enough, research suggests that when vitamin C is applied to the skin, it significantly reverses aging-related structural changes by influencing collagen and elastin synthesis.

It’s in Lanbena Vitamin C Whitening Serum.

But our favorite Vitamin C serum is Carrot & Stick The Defence Serum. It contains 3 distinct types of Vitamin C that work together to help fight free radical damage. We recommend using it every morning.

As you age, your body’s production of collagen and elastin slows down. These two proteins are responsible for your skin’s structural support. As a result, the skin loses its natural plumpness and smoothness.

While collagen is necessary for maintaining youthful-looking skin, the collagen protein is too large to absorb into the skin topically. That’s why applying skin care products that contain collagen won’t provide the anti-aging benefits you’re looking for.

This is where peptides come into action. Peptides are the building blocks of protein, and they are easily absorbed into the deeper layers of skin due to their smaller size.

Peptides are included in the Lanbena 24K Gold Six Peptide Serum.

One peptide serum that we recommend is Carrot & Stick The Repair Serum . It contains 7 plant-based peptides to promote plumper and smoother-looking skin.

Centella Asiatica (Gotu Kola)
Lanbena Scar Removal cream contains Centella Asiatica, also known as gotu kola. This ingredient has become more and more popular in both Asian and western skincare markets over the last few years, it has actually been used for thousands of years in traditional Chinese medicine and Ayurveda.

Gotu kola extract has been used to promote wound healing, and treat skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis, and has even been used for conditions like leprosy and ulcers. But how does that apply to its uses in modern day skincare?

Along with its many medicinal benefits, gotu kola can actually help with some of our most pressing skincare concerns including acne, anti-aging, and sensitivity.

Gotu kola is incredibly antioxidant rich, neutralizing free radicals that can lead to environmental damage and premature aging. For acne and irritation, the wound healing and anti-inflammatory properties of centella asiatica help to reduce the inflammation that leads to scarring.

Ginseng and White Tea
Like gotu kola, ginseng and white tea have also been used in traditional Chinese medicine to promote healing and hydration. Red ginseng can be a particularly effective anti-aging ingredient but it can also help with sensitive skin and skin brightening, both of which can help when healing scars.

There have been small studies conducted on ginseng that have found it to lighten and brighten the look of skin. Similarly white tea can also be a beneficial anti-aging ingredient. It’s incredibly antioxidant rich, which can help to protect your skin from sun damage that can cause scars to become more apparent and age spots to become more frequent.

The Story Behind Lanbena

Lanbena is an Asian skincare brand that specializes in creating results-oriented products with traditional Chinese ingredients. Although this brand is most well known for the Lanbena Scar Removal Cream, they also have a full range of facial care, eye care, and health care items that suit a variety of different skin types and skin concerns.

What Are The Best Selling Lanbena products?

Looking more closely at the brand’s skincare range, Lanbena breaks down their ideal skincare routine in 3-4 steps depending on the products used. They offer a few different options for every step, starting off with cleansing. Lanbena is one of the brands that has been bringing back the bar soap in a new and unique way.

Traditionally, bar soaps are considered to be too harsh and stripping on the skin. But this new wave of bar soaps in changing that perception. Lanbena currently offers a range of 3 24K Gold Handmade Soaps, each targeting a different skin concern. Each of these soaps offers a number of actives to help with concerns like acne and anti-aging, but the formula behind these products is heavily focused on promoting moisture and hydration. While more traditional bar soaps can be problematic when used as facial cleansers, these more gentle alternatives can be an excellent, travel friendly cleansing option.

Although Lanbena offers a number of unique cleansing and moisturizing products, the brand is most well known for their treatment products, namely their Acne Scar Removal Cream. This cream was designed to help heal post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation or acne scars. Additionally, this product can also be used to accelerate the healing process for pitted acne scars, which can be some of the most difficult facial scarring to get rid of. If you have other scars that you’d like to fade, this product can also help with these as well. In addition to their Acne Scar Removal Cream, Lanbena also offers a number of more traditional serums that can target a wider range of skin concerns outside of acne scarring. Their three bestselling serums include their Vitamin C Whitening Serum, their Hyaluronic Acid Serum, and their 24K Gold Six Peptide Serum. Each of these serums uses one of two key actives to hydrate, brighten, and heal the skin, making your skin look more youthful and vibrant.

Where Are Lanbena Products Sold?

Lanbena products can be purchased online through the brand’s website (https://lanbena.com/), and select items can also be found on Amazon.

What Is The Lanbena Return Policy?

The Lanbena return policy states, “If you are not happy with your purchase and wish to return an item, please contact us within 45 days from receiving your order. Only items purchased directly from https://lanbena.com/ will be accepted. For products purchased from authorized retailers, please get in touch with them directly for returns. Returned items must be in original packaging, including any accessories, manuals, and documentation. Returned items must be unused, in the same condition that we sent it to you, and in their original packaging. Stains, folded cards, broken seals/ plastic foiling broken will not be accepted. If the condition of the product shipped back to us is not in acceptable condition we reserve the right to not refund or exchange. Products that have been personalized cannot be refunded or exchanged.”

Is Lanbena Cruelty-Free?

Lanbena does not disclose if they are cruelty free.

Lanbena reviews

Lanbena reviews on Amazon are mixed between very positive and very negative. For example, one review for the Lanbena Acne Scar Removal Cream says, “I originally bought this for scare but I noticed that I don’t break out anymore. My face has completely cleared and my scarring has 90% faded already. I highly recommend it.” But another review for this same product says, “I started using this product to clear up my old acne scars and my face started breaking out again. I would not recommend it if you have acne prone skin.” There are several more Lanbena reviews for the Acne Scar Removal Cream that say it did not work at all, even after weeks of use.

What are some alternatives to Lanbena?

If you’re looking for skincare products to address the signs of aging, we recommend Carrot & Stick. Carrot & Stick maximizes the use of powerful ingredients and minimizes the use of superficial ones, resulting in advanced skincare solutions that help promote healthy, more youthful-looking skin. We recommend The Repair Serum , followed by The Moisturizer.

Щодня чи рідше: як часто можна використовувати патчі під очі

Використовування патчів під очі стало одним із б’юті-трендів, який не втрачає своєї актуальності вже тривалий час. Проте деякі жінки вірять, що щоденне використання цього чудодійного засобу допоможе їхній шкірі позбутися від видимих наслідків гучних вечірок чи нейтралізує темні круги і набряки під очима назавжди.

Зона навколо очей потребує спеціального делікатного догляду. Але навіть патчі, про корисні властивості яких всі говорять, можуть їй нашкодити. Аби цього не трапилося, дізнайтеся, скільки разів на тиждень можна наклеювати патчі під очі.

Як часто можна використовувати патчі під очі

Єдиної думки стосовно того, як часто можна використовувати патчі, не існує. Але б’юті-експерти наголошують, що не варто практикувати наклеювання патчів на ділянку шкіри під очима по 10 разів на день в очікування цілющого ефекту. Патчі не зможуть повністю усунути зі шкіри наслідки гучних вечірок, випитих коктейлів, постійного стресу та недосипу, незалежно від того, як часто ви їх використовуватимете.

Головне призначення патчів під очі – прибрати невеликі набряки, ледь помітні сліди втоми, дрібні зморшки, а також вони повинні надавати шкірі свіжого і сяючого вигляду. Застосовувати б’юті-засіб слід в міру. Виробники патчів і косметологи рекомендують використовувати їх 1 чи 2 рази на тиждень. Проводити процедури слід курсом. Наприклад, протягом 1-2 місяців, потім зробіть перерву, аби шкіра не звикла до штучного надходження колагену, але й виробляла його самостійно.

Обираючи патчі під очі, звертайте увагу на особливості вашого типу шкіри, склад і марку засобу. Додамо, що раніше ми розповідали про те, як правильно використовувати патчі і поділилися корисними порадами. Зокрема, завдяки росту популярності патчів в індустрії краси з’явилися такі ж “наліпки” для грудей, стегон та ліктів.

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